912周四會員日 飛豬F2/F3專享 香格里拉特權 1晚起升翡翠~提前搶限量紅包


飛豬F2/F3專享 香格里拉特權 1晚起升翡翠

原本飛豬F2 1晚升翡翠每日限量,小編一直也都沒有找到,這次不知是不是可以搶的到



  1. 領取大額紅包,F2/F3專享200元RMB,F1專享100元RMB
  2. 註冊成為貴賓金環會會員
  3. 9/12當天下單滿912可享立減優惠
  4. 下單日曆房可贈金環會218積分, F2/F3 1晚起翡翠






  1. Members are required for membership linkage in both the Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships. An individual’s membership accounts in both memberships must be under the same name. 會員必須關聯貴賓金環會與飛豬會籍,所關聯會籍應註冊在相同姓名下。
  1. If a Fliggy member signs up for membership of Golden Circle through the Fliggy online platforms, Fliggy will share the member’s name, Fliggy Membership number, salutation, gender, country and mobile number with Shangri-La to enable Shangri-La to enrol that Fliggy member as a member of Shangri-La’s Golden Circle. Such a member acknowledges and consents to such transfer of data between Shangri-La and Fliggy. 如飛豬會員在飛豬台註冊貴賓金環會會籍後,飛豬將與香格里拉集團共享其姓名、飛豬會員號、稱謂、性別、國籍與手機號以便香格里拉集團生成相應貴賓金環會會籍。飛豬會員知悉並同意上述香格里拉集團與飛豬間的會員信息傳輸。
  1. An individual may link their Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships by logging into their Fliggy membership account on Fliggy’s platform before 31 December 2019. 飛豬會員需於2019年12月31日前在飛豬平台登陸其飛豬會員賬號後方可關聯其飛豬會籍與貴賓金環會會籍。
  1. By linking memberships, participants agree to the transfer and sharing of personal data in accordance with Clause 6 below. 關聯會籍即表示參與的會員同意符合條款6規定的個人信息的傳輸及共享行為。
  1. Terms and conditions of the Golden Circle Programme and Fliggy Programme apply. 貴賓金環會及飛豬會員的條款與細則適用於本活動。“新會員註冊”活動細則
  1. Once an identifiable individual successfully participate in the activity, Shangri-La and Fliggy may each receive information and data which can be related to an identifiable individual (“Data”) regarding Participants from the other party including, without limitation, names, email addresses, Golden Circle membership account information, and Fliggy account information.用戶成功參與本次活動後,香格里拉集團和飛豬可能會收到對方會員的個人信息和數據,包括但不限于姓名、電子郵件地址、貴賓金環會會籍信息及飛豬會籍信息。
  1. Shangri-La’s decisions regarding all aspects of the Campaign are final and binding to the extent permitted by law. 香格里拉集團有權在法律允許的範圍內保留對本次活動的最終解釋權。
  1. In case of conflict or inconsistency between different language versions, the English version will prevail. 在不同語言版本之間存在衝突或不一致的情況下以英文版為準。


  1. Members are required for membership linkage in both the Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships. An individual’s membership accounts in both memberships must be under the same name. 會員必須關聯貴賓金環會與飛豬會籍,所關聯會籍應註冊在相同姓名下。
  1. If a Fliggy member signs up for membership of Golden Circle through the Fliggy online platforms, Fliggy will share the member’s name, Fliggy Membership number, salutation, gender, country and mobile number with Shangri-La to enable Shangri-La to enrol that Fliggy member as a member of Shangri-La’s Golden Circle. Such a member acknowledges and consents to such transfer of data between Shangri-La and Fliggy. 如飛豬會員在飛豬平台註冊貴賓金環會會籍後,飛豬將與香格里拉集團共享其姓名、飛豬會員號、稱謂、性別、國籍與手機號以便香格里拉集團生成相應貴賓金環會會籍。飛豬會員知悉並同意上述香格里拉集團與飛豬間的會員信息傳輸。
  1. An individual may link their Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships by logging into their Fliggy membership account on Fliggy’s platform before 31 December 2019. 飛豬會員需於2019年12月31日前在飛豬平台登陸其飛豬會員賬號後方可關聯其飛豬會籍與貴賓金環會會籍。
  1. By linking memberships, participants agree to the transfer and sharing of personal data in accordance with Clause 16 below. 關聯會籍即表示參與的會員同意符合條款16規定的個人信息的傳輸及共享行為。
  1. Golden Circle members may participate in the Special GC registration benefits for Fliggy member [飛豬會員貴賓金環會註冊禮遇] (the “Campaign”) for stays from 27 October 2018 to 31 March 2020, both dates inclusive, at any participating Shangri-La hotel, resort, Kerry hotel, Hotel Jen or Traders hotel (“Participating Hotels”). 貴賓金環會會員可以在2018年10月27日至2020年3月31日(含)期間,在任意參與活動的香格里拉酒店、嘉里酒店、今旅酒店及盛貿飯店(“活動參與酒店”)的住宿參與“飛豬會員貴賓金環會註冊禮遇”(本活動)。
  1. The Invitation is non-transferrable and non-assignable. 活動邀請不可轉讓。
  1. Members participate a consecutive three-month period (the “Travel Period”) from the time of registration. Once the registration is done, the Travel Period cannot be amended.會員註冊完成後即開始參與連續3個月的升級挑戰期(“升級挑戰期”)。一旦會員註冊完成後,升級挑戰期便不可更改。
  1. Membership status (ie Gold, Jade or Diamond) will be determined at the time of registration for the Campaign. Each Member can only challenge one-tier of membership status, namely from Gold status to Jade status. 初始會員等級(如黃金級、翡翠級和鑽石級)將在註冊時確定。每位會員只能參與一次升級挑戰,比如從黃金級升級至翡翠級。
  1. Gold members with Fliggy’s F2 membership challenge for Jade status must complete five qualifying paid nights at Participating Hotels within the selected Travel Period.飛豬F2會員註冊成為黃金級會員後必須在升級挑戰期內完成5晚合資格間夜累積才可升級至翡翠級會員
  1. Only the qualifying paid nights achieved within the Travel Period, inclusive of the start and end date will be taken into consideration for the membership upgrade in the Campaign. 會員升級間夜只計算在升級挑戰期內完成的合資格間夜(包含開始日期與結束日期當天的入住)。
  1. For the purpose of the Campaign, “qualifing paid nights” refers to rooms under “Flexible Rate”, “Bed & Breakfast” & “ Advance Purchase” at Participating Hotels booked through the Shangri-La Fliggy Flagship store. 本活動中提及的“合資格間夜“特指在香格里拉酒店集團旗艦店飛豬平台預訂的房型產品名稱為“優享價”、“住宿+優惠”、“提前預訂優惠”的入住。
  1. Upon successful accumulation of the required qualifying paid nights within the Travel Period by a Member, his or her membership level will be upgraded two to four weeks of the date of the last qualifying paid night stay posted to the Member’s account. 會員在升級挑戰期內所需合資格間夜數累積達標後,其會員等級將在最後一晚升級所需合資格間夜積入會員賬戶後的2-4周內完成升級。
  1. New membership cards will be issued to the Members at their registered contact address approximately four to six weeks after the membership upgrade. 新會員卡將在升級完成後4-6周後寄送至註冊時指定的聯繫地址。
  1. Members must present their membership cards (digital or physical cards) upon check-in at the Participating Hotels to participate in the Campaign. 會員需在活動參與酒店出示其會員卡(實物卡或電子卡皆可)方可參與活動。
  1. The Campaign is not valid in conjunction with any other offer and promotion.本活動不可與其它優惠活動同時使用。
  1. Once an identifiable individual successfully participate in the activity, Shangri-La and Fliggy may each receive information and data which can be related to an identifiable individual (“Data”) regarding Participants from the other party including, without limitation, names, email addresses, Golden Circle membership account information, and Fliggy account information.用戶成功參與本次活動後,香格里拉集團和飛豬可能會收到對方會員的個人信息和數據,包括但不限于姓名、電子郵件地址、貴賓金環會會籍信息及飛豬會籍信息。
  1. Shangri-La may at its absolute discretion, cancel, modify or suspend the Campaign or amend or substitute any of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.香格里拉集團出於自身情況考慮,有權取消、調整或暫停本活動,亦可隨時對本條款進行修改或替換而無需另行通知。
  1. Terms and conditions of the Golden Circle Programme and Fliggy Programme apply. 貴賓金環會及飛豬會員的條款與細則適用於本活動。
  1. Shangri-La’s decisions regarding all aspects of the Campaign are final and binding to the extent permitted by law. 香格里拉集團有權在法律允許的範圍內保留對本次活動的最終解釋權。
  1. In case of conflict or inconsistency between different language versions, the English version will prevail. 在不同語言版本之間存在衝突或不一致的情況下以英文版為準。


  1. Members are required for membership linkage in both the Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships. An individual’s membership accounts in both memberships must be under the same name. 會員必須關聯貴賓金環會與飛豬會籍,所關聯會籍應註冊在相同姓名下。
  1. If a Fliggy member signs up for membership of Golden Circle through the Fliggy online platforms, Fliggy will share the member’s name, Fliggy Membership number, salutation, gender, country and mobile number with Shangri-La to enable Shangri-La to enrol that Fliggy member as a member of Shangri-La’s Golden Circle. Such a member acknowledges and consents to such transfer of data between Shangri-La and Fliggy. 如飛豬會員在飛豬平台註冊貴賓金環會會籍後,飛豬將與香格里拉集團共享其姓名、飛豬會員號、稱謂、性別、國籍與手機號以便香格里拉集團生成相應貴賓金環會會籍。飛豬會員知悉並同意上述香格里拉集團與飛豬間的會員信息傳輸。
  1. An individual may link their Golden Circle and Fliggy memberships by logging into their Fliggy membership account on Fliggy’s platform before 31 December 2019. 飛豬會員需於2019年12月31日前在飛豬平台登陸其飛豬會員賬號後方可關聯其飛豬會籍與貴賓金環會會籍。
  1. By linking memberships, participants agree to the transfer and sharing of personal data in accordance with Clause 17 below. 關聯會籍即表示參與的會員同意符合條款17規定的個人信息的傳輸及共享行為。
  1. Golden Circle members may participate in the Special GC registration benefits for Fliggy member [飛豬會員貴賓金環會註冊禮遇] (the “Campaign”) for stays from 27 October 2018 to 30 June2020, both dates inclusive, at any participating Shangri-La hotel, resort, Kerry hotel, Hotel Jen or Traders hotel (“Participating Hotels”). 貴賓金環會會員可以在2018年10月27日至2020年6月30日(含)期間,在任意參與活動的香格里拉酒店、嘉里酒店、今旅酒店及盛貿飯店(“活動參與酒店”)的住宿參與“飛豬會員貴賓金環會註冊禮遇”(本活動)。
  1. The Invitation is non-transferrable and non-assignable. 活動邀請不可轉讓。
  1. Members participate a consecutive six-month period (the “Travel Period”) from the time of registration. Once the registration is done, the Travel Period cannot be amended. 會員註冊完成後即開始參與連續6個月的升級挑戰期(“升級挑戰期”)。一旦會員註冊完成後,升級挑戰期便不可更改。
  1. Membership status (ie Gold, Jade or Diamond) will be determined at the time of registration for the Campaign. Each Member can only challenge one-tier of membership status, namely from Gold status to Jade status. 初始會員等級(如黃金級、翡翠級和鑽石級)將在註冊時確定。每位會員只能參與一次升級挑戰,比如從黃金級升級至翡翠級。
  1. Gold members with Fliggy’s F3 membership challenge for Jade status must complete one qualifying paid night at Participating Hotels within the Travel Period. 飛豬F3會員在註冊成為黃金級會員後必須在升級挑戰期內完成1晚合資格間夜累積才可升級至翡翠級會員。
  1. Only the qualifying paid nights achieved within the Travel Period, inclusive of the start and end date will be taken into consideration for the membership upgrade in the Campaign. 會員升級間夜只計算在升級挑戰期內完成的合資格間夜(包含開始日期與結束日期當天的入住)。
  1. For the purpose of the Campaign, “qualifing paid nights” refers to rooms under “Flexible Rate”, “Bed & Breakfast” & “ Advance Purchase” at Participating Hotels booked through the Shangri-La Fliggy Flagship store. 本活動中提及的“合資格間夜“特指在香格里拉酒店集團旗艦店飛豬平台預訂的房型產品名稱為“優享價”、“住宿+優惠”、“提前預訂優惠”的入住。
  1. Upon successful accumulation of the required qualifying paid nights within the Travel Period by a Member, his or her membership level will be upgraded two to four weeks of the date of the last qualifying paid night stay posted to the Member’s account. 會員在升級挑戰期內所需合資格間夜數累積達標後,其會員等級將在最後一晚升級所需合資格間夜積入會員賬戶後的2-4周內完成升級。
  1. New membership cards will be issued to the Members at their registered contact address approximately four to six weeks after the membership upgrade. 新會員卡將在升級完成後4-6周後寄送至註冊時指定的聯繫地址。
  1. Members must present their membership cards (digital or physical cards) upon check-in at the Participating Hotels to participate in the Campaign. 會員需在活動參與酒店出示其會員卡(實物卡或電子卡皆可)方可參與活動。
  1. The Campaign is not valid in conjunction with any other offer and promotion. 本活動不可與其它優惠活動同時使用。
  1. Fliggy F3 members upgraded to Golden Circle Jade members might be invited in Golden Circle status challenge programme 2-4 weeks after successfully being upgraded as Golden Circle Jade member, in Golden Circle status challenge programme, which is 10 qualifying paid nights within 3 months to further upgrade from Jade to Diamond level, following Golden Circle Terms and Conditions.成功升級至貴賓金環會翡翠級會員的飛豬F3會員有機會參與到鑽石卡挑戰中,被邀請的飛豬F3會員將在成功挑戰翡翠卡後,2-4周內收到貴賓金環會升級挑戰項目的邀請,並在符合貴賓金環會相關條款與細則的前提下於3個月內累積10晚合資格間夜升級至鑽石級會員。
  1. Once an identifiable individual successfully participate in the activity, Shangri-La and Fliggy may each receive information and data which can be related to an identifiable individual (“Data”) regarding Participants from the other party including, without limitation, names, email addresses, Golden Circle membership account information, and Fliggy account information.用戶成功參與本次活動後,香格里拉集團和飛豬可能會收到對方會員的個人信息和數據,包括但不限于姓名、電子郵件地址、貴賓金環會會籍信息及飛豬會籍信息。
  1. Shangri-La may at its absolute discretion, cancel, modify or suspend the Campaign or amend or substitute any of these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. 香格里拉集團出於自身情況考慮,有權取消、調整或暫停本活動,亦可隨時對本條款進行修改或替換而無需另行通知。
  1. Terms and conditions of the Golden Circle Programme and Fliggy Programme apply. 貴賓金環會及飛豬會員的條款與細則適用於本活動。
  1. Shangri-La’s decisions regarding all aspects of the Campaign are final and binding to the extent permitted by law. 香格里拉酒店 集團有權在法律允許的範圍內保留對本次活動的最終解釋權。
  1. In case of conflict or inconsistency between different language versions, the English version will prevail. 在不同語言版本之間存在衝突或不一致的情況下以英文版為準。





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