




  • 對在2019年8月1日至14日期間新註冊的IHG優悅會會員贈送1,000分IHG優悅會積分,
  • 預訂入住IHG洲際旗下東南亞和韓國部分參與活動的酒店贈送4,000分IHG優悅會積分
    • 預訂時間:即日起至2019年10月31日
    • 入住時間:即日起至2019年12月31日




波拉波拉勒莫阿納洲際度假酒店,波拉波拉泰拉索洲際度假酒店及水療中心,莫雷阿洲際度假酒店及水療中心,大溪地洲際度假酒店,巴厘島洲際度假酒店,巴厘島塞米亞克海灘英迪格度假酒店,巴厘島巴魯娜假日酒店度假村,巴厘島拉亞庫塔快捷假日酒店,巴厘島巴魯娜快捷假日酒店,巴厘島貝諾瓦假日酒店,雅加達蓬塔克洲際酒店,雅加達皇冠假日酒店,Cikarang Jababeka假日酒店,萬隆巴斯德假日酒店,萬隆達戈帕卡洲際酒店,萬隆皇冠假日酒店,雅加達Gajah Mada假日套房酒店,雅加達凱馬約蘭假日酒店,蘇臘巴亞中心快捷假日酒店,智選假日酒店三寶壟新邦利馬,雅加達瓦希德哈希姆快捷假日酒店,智選假日酒店雅加達Pluit Citygate,智選假日酒店雅加達Thamrin,雅加達國際博覽會智選假日酒店,雅加達馬特拉智選假日酒店,巴淡假日酒店度假村,萬象皇冠假日酒店,吉隆坡洲際酒店,吉隆坡市中心智選假日酒店,馬六甲假日酒店,吉隆坡格蘭瑪假日酒店,檳城假日酒店,馬爾地夫Maamunagau洲際酒店,馬爾地夫坎多馬假日酒店,馬卡迪假日套房酒店,馬尼拉廣場假日酒店,馬尼拉廣場假日酒店,馬尼拉紐波特假日酒店,碧瑤市中心假日酒店,新加坡洲際酒店,新加坡中庭假日酒店,新加坡烏節假日酒店市中心,樟宜機場皇冠假日酒店,新加坡烏節路智選假日酒店,新加坡羅伯臣碼頭洲際酒店,新加坡克拉碼頭智選假日酒店,新加坡加東智選假日酒店,新加坡加東英迪格酒店,新加坡智選假日酒店,光州假日酒店,平昌阿爾卑斯平昌度假酒店,仁川松島假日酒店,水原假日智選假日酒店,平昌阿爾卑西亞假日酒店度假村,平昌阿爾卑西亞假日套房酒店,首爾洲際酒店,首爾洲際酒店COEX,首爾弘大智選假日酒店,蘇梅島洲際度假酒店,芭堤雅洲際度假酒店,普吉島洲際度假酒店,普吉島攀瓦海灘皇冠假日酒店,華欣假日酒店瓦訥納瓦酒店,華欣洲際度假酒店,普吉島芭東英迪格酒店,普吉島麥加假日酒店度假村考海灘度假村,普吉島假日度假村,皮皮島假日度假村,甲米奧南海灘假日度假村,普吉島芭東海灘中央快捷假日酒店,甲米奧南海灘智選假日酒店,曼谷隆比公園皇冠假日酒店,曼谷隆隆假日酒店,曼谷無線公路英迪格酒店,曼谷通羅駐橋套房酒店,清邁假日酒店,曼谷素坤逸假日酒店,曼谷暹羅智選假日酒店,曼谷沙吞智選假日酒店,曼谷素坤逸11智選假日酒店,曼谷Soi Soonvijai智選假日酒店,芭堤雅假日酒店,芭堤雅中心智選假日酒店,羅勇市中心假日套房酒店,曼谷假日酒店,曼谷假日酒店,峴港皇冠假日酒店,峴港太陽半島洲際度假酒店,富國洲際酒店,洲際洲際酒店西貢,西貢洲際酒店,西貢機場假日套房酒店,芽庄洲際酒店,河內洲際洲際酒店72,河內西湖洲際酒店,河內西皇冠假日酒店,西河內皇冠假日酒店




Terms and conditions

  • Must be an IHG® Rewards Club member and JEJUAir member to participate in this promotion and open only to IHG® Rewards Club members residing in South East Asia & Korea.
  • Enroll as an IHG Rewards Club member between 1 August 2019 and 14 August 2019 (「Enrolment Period」) to be eligible to participate in this promotion and the first 7,500 people who enroll during the Enrolment Period will receive 1,000 IHG Rewards Club enrolment bonus points. IHG Rewards Club members will receive 4,000 IHG Rewards Club bonus points (in addition to the usual rewards points earnt) upon completion of each stay at participating InterContinental®, Crowne Plaza®, Hotel Indigo®, Holiday Inn® and Holiday Inn Express® hotels and resorts in South East Asia & Korea that are booked directly with the 「JejuAir Special」 rate at the designated IHG campaign landing page.
  • Stays must be booked from 1 August 2019 to 31 October 2019, both dates inclusive (「Booking Period」) for stays at participating hotels from 4 August 2019  to 31 December 2019, both dates inclusive (「Stay Period」). The JejuAir Special rate must be booked at least three days in advance of a stay, is non-refundable and full prepayment is required in advance or the stay. 
  • A stay is defined per IHG® Rewards Club Membership Terms and Conditions as one night or consecutive nights at the same hotel, regardless of frequency of check-in/out (「Stay」).
  • A Stay constitutes a 「Qualifying Stay」 when member pays qualifying rates, which include most business and leisure rates at InterContinental®, Crowne Plaza®, Hotel Indigo®, Holiday Inn®, Holiday Inn Express®. Bonus points are not issued for Non-Qualifying Room Rates or Non-Qualifying Stays. 「Non-Qualifying Room Rates」 or 「Non-Qualifying Stay」 include the following but not limited: net wholesale individual and group rate, certain package rates, employee discount rate, friends and family rate, crew rate, special discounted contract rates, seasonal worker/crew rate, 50% travel club discount rate, travel industry discount rate, distressed passenger rate, IHG® Rewards Club Reward Nights/Airline Hotel Reward rate, rates booked through third party web sites, complimentary hotel Stays and any other rates not defined as a Qualifying Room Rate at IHG』s sole discretion.
  • Only one room per member per Qualifying Stay will be awarded the applicable bonus points. All bookings are to be made during the Booking Period and stays are to be completed during the Stay Period and no retroactive points will be awarded for bookings made or stays made prior to registration with IHG Rewards Club. Existing reservation at any IHG Hotels and Resorts in South East Asia & Korea will not be applicable to this promotion and not valid to earn the bonus points. Rates are per room, per night and are subject to availability. Blackout dates apply.
  • This Promotion is subject to standard IHG® Rewards Club Membership Terms and Conditions and earning structure. This exclusive promotion is valid for original recipient of the promotional email only and cannot be combined with other promotions.
  • Except as otherwise stated in the terms and conditions, please allow up to 2 to 3 weeks for bonus points to be credited after checkout. IHG reserves the right to remove a member’s bonus points or cancel a member』s account if fraudulent use of the Promotion is detected. IHG® Rewards Club reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Promotion at any time with or without notice. Members must make any promotional inquiries within 60 days of the end of the campaign promotional period. 








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